

‘Air Force One Was Turned Into Las Vegas’ – WH Stenographer’s Tell-all Book Exposes Rampant Drugs and Sex Under Obama Reign

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The president’s airplane used to be kind of like Las Vegas: What happens on board Air Force One stays on Air Force One.

For instance, did you ever hear the story about two well-known and prominent White House reporters having sex under a blanket in an empty row of seats aboard the press plane on an international presidential trip? No (but I was aboard that plane and saw it happen).

But all that’s changed. With social media and the bloodsport that is now modern politics, nothing is ever “off the record.”

Enter Beck Dorey-Stein, a White House stenographer during Barack Obama’s presidency. She’s written a new tell-all book detailing all kinds of things, including what goes on aboard Air Force One.

“In 2012, Beck Dorey-Stein is working five part-time jobs and just scraping by when a posting on Craigslist lands her, improbably, in the Oval Office as one of Barack Obama’s stenographers,” says the Amazon blurb on her new book, “From the Corner of the Oval: A Memoir.”

“The ultimate D.C. outsider, she joins the elite team who accompany the president wherever he goes, recorder and mic in hand. On whirlwind trips across time zones, Beck forges friendships with a dynamic group of fellow travelers — young men and women who, like her, leave their real lives behind to hop aboard Air Force One in service of the president.”

The New York Post writes that in the book, Dorey-Stein “dishes of jetting to more than 60 countries with a pool of 13 reporters.”

On long flights, everyone took whatever worked to get some shuteye, including Sonata, Xanax and Ambien.

The drugs made “awkward intimacy with colleagues suddenly just funny and bizarre,” Dorey-Stein writes, according to the Daily Mail.

Said the Mail:

Beck intended to only live in D.C. for the duration of the job – three months … “because who wants to live in DC? – A one trick political pony town,” she writes.

“My job in the spring of 2011 was to help those hormonally-charged stressballs chill the f**k out,” Beck writes while casting an eye to what looked like “human Ken dolls in a short-sleeved button-down”.

Sitting across from one of them at the school one day flirting and thinking he was a teacher, the man told her he was working although he did not seem to be doing anything.

He was a Secret Service agent watching Malia.

In her new job assignment, Beck was advised by the hiring agency to stay away from the Secret Service agents as well as “stay with your boyfriend”.

She knew this was going to be her big break and felt confident leaving her boyfriend, Sam, back in Washington working for a PR firm writing speeches for gubernatorial candidates.

He always encouraged her and supported her taking the job that would separate them.

But Beck broke protocol of the job when she got involved in a hot and heavy secret sexual relationship with one of Obama’s senior staffers in hotel rooms – and fell in love.

Left with a broken heart and feeling duplicitous with too many nights at a bar getting drunk, she says the stolen thrill was worth the heartache although it cost her the relationship with her boyfriend in D.C.

The book seems a sordid tale of one woman’s not-so-demure existence in the White House staff, but Dorey-Stein is cashing in. She’s reportedly making seven figures in a two-book deal, reports The New York Times.

“The book was optioned for adaptation as a office comedy by Universal Pictures,” the Times says.

Via DailyWire

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