

Jim Acosta’s Career Circles The Drain After Asking ‘Worst Question At Worst Moment’ During Historic Summit…

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Will it finally be the end for Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials?

Civilized Americans eager to see an end to a decades-long contentious relationship with North Korea were mortified to hear a “journalist” yell out a combative questions at a highly inappropriate time…“Did you talk about Otto Warmbier, sir?”

Acosta’s antics during the moment when President Trump and Kim Jong Un sat down to sign a joint declaration after discussing peace between nations didn’t end there.

Prior to asking about Warmbier and after Kim Jung Un had expressed his desire “to put the past behind us,” Acosta blurted out another divisive question.

“Mr. Kim will you give up your weapons, sir?”

Few were surprised to discover the questions came from bitter Acosta:

Acosta was roundly admonished for his childish behavior and many said he should have his White House press credentials pulled:

“Ruthless” and “disgraceful.”

Trump Presidential Campaign Manager for 2020, Brad Parscale, said Acosta should lose his press credentials “immediately.”

President Trump negotiated the release of Otto Warmbier who was imprisoned in North Korea for 18 months allegedly stealing a poster off of a wall.

“We’re so thankful,” Otto’s father Fred Warmbier said of President Trump’s actions.

Warmbier didn’t live long after being returned home having suffered months of torturous treatment by the brutal regime. But his parents were relieved he could at least pass away at home, and after being ignored by the Obama administration, we’re grateful to Trump and then-Sec. of State Rex Tillerson for his return.

Hours after Acosta’s antics, Trump held a press conference where he was able to take reporters’ questions at an appropriate time. He addressed Warmbier’s treatment by the North Korean regime and his release by stating “he didn’t die in vain.”

“He had a lot to do with us speaking today,” Trump added.



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