

Country Time Takes A BIG STAND For Children And Lemonade Stands Everywhere…What They Announced Will Blow You Away!

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We’ve all heard the stories…  children innocently partaking in the American summer tradition of running a lemonade stand when along comes the po-po asking for permits.

Turns out, there can be a spoil-sport lurking around any corner. But the folks at Country Time lemonade have had enough and come out in support of entrepreneurial kids, be damned the whiners.

Country Time boldy introduced “legal-ade” on Thursday.

A video describes it as a “crack team ready to straighten out lemonade stand related permits and fines … Smells like justice.”

As BPR reported, lemonade stand crackdowns have become a troubling trend. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s family even became victim to lemonade stand tyrants when they were cited for not having a permit to ‘peddle’ on village property. First daughter Ivanka Trump came out in support of the budding businesses as she described the lessons she had learned when she tried to sell the sweet stuff to thirsty passers-by.

Needless to say, the unconventional move for lemonade stand justice is getting a lot of traction and accolades on Twitter.

There we go.

And get a load of this little cutie who got away scot-free last weekend:

The accolades go on and on. And, rightly so.


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