

Trump Took The Stage To Deliver Inspiring Speech At Naval Academy – What He Did Next Proves Why Americans Love Him

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Attendees of the Naval Academy commencement in Annapolis, Maryland probably had no doubt who President Trump was referring to in his speech.

Trump repeatedly knocked former President Obama as he spoke to the 1,042 graduating midshipmen along with family and guests at the  Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium Friday morning.

“In case you haven’t noticed, we have become a lot stronger lately. A lot. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America. No more apologies,” Trump told the crowd.

“We are respected again — I can tell you that,” he said.

“A growing number used their platforms to denigrate America’s incredible heritage, challenge America’s sovereignty and weaken America’s pride,” he said.

Obviously zinging his predecessor’s infamous policy of apologizing and appeasement, the president spoke about the “cynics and critics who try to tear down America,” noting that the “problem grew worse” in recent years.

Touting the changes made that have strengthened the country’s foreign policy as well as a growing economy, Trump declared that things are looking up in the nation.

“We’ve gained the respect that we used to have long ago. Yes, they’re respecting us again,” he said. “America is back!”

The president surprised the graduates by remaining until he had shaken the hands of each one.


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