

NoKo Summit Cancellation Is A Simple Example Of Trump’s “Art Of The Deal” – And It Is Working BEAUTIFULLY

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The art of the deal, baby… as Donald Trump predicted four years ago.

The on again, off again summit with North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un looks to be on again with Fox News reporting that North Korea responded to an announcement from President Donald Trump that he was cancelling the planned summit to say his decision is not in line with the world’s wishes and that North Korea is still willing to resolve its issues with the U.S.


The Associated Press also reported that North Korea is still willing to sit down with the United States “at any time.”

“We express our willingness to sit down face-to-face with the U.S. and resolve issues anytime and in any format,” North Korea Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye-gwan said in a statement, according to state-run Korean Central News Agency.

The official statement out of North Korea said Kim sees the need for an upcoming meeting between the nations as “urgent.”

Kim said the U.S.’ decision to cancel the upcoming talks demonstrates how serious the animosity between the North and the U.S. remains, which he said underlines the urgent need of a summit between the leaders of the two countries.

He said that the North Korean leader has made all-out efforts to prepare for the summit with the U.S., saying his meeting with Trump will serve as a good start.

“Despite all of this, the U.S.’ unilateral decision to scrap the talks causes us to reconsider whether all of the efforts and the path we have taken is really the right one or not,” he said.

Kim said that the North remains open to talks with the U.S.

“Our commitment to doing our best for the sake of peace and stability for the world and the Korean Peninsula remains unchanged, and we are open-minded in giving time and opportunity to the U.S.,” he said.

The North Korea cave is seen as a big league win for the president, who effectively called their bluff.

It followed an announcement earlier in the day from the White House that Trump had canceled the June 12 summit due to “open hostility” from Kim Jong Un.

BPR reported Thursday that North Korea demolished its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, fulfilling a commitment made by the Kim regime last month, just before Trump canceled the summit. As liberals gloated over Trump being ‘played’ by Kim Jong Un, another narrative was developing as it looked like Trump had the upper hand all along and was the one gaining leverage.

But then, it seems the author of “Trump: The Art of the Deal” called all of this back in 2014.

“Negotiations 101: The best deals you can make are the ones you walk away from…and then get them with better terms,” he tweeted in May 2014.

The reaction online to Trump’s dated tweet suggested that maybe Trump really does know what he’s doing — CNN must be crying in their cereal this morning.

Here’s a sampling of the responses from Twitter:


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