

Dem Rep Keith Ellison Wore A Wig, Took The Stage…And Just EMBARRASSED Himself. So Much For 2018, Dems.

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Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota wore a blonde wig while singing a song about President Donald Trump on Friday.

Ellison impersonated Trump for roughly three minutes on stage at an event hosted by MinnPost, touching on topics including porn star Stormy Daniels and special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

“I just called my best friend Vlad Putin. Vlad Putin. My buddy Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin. I love that Vladimir Putin,” sang Ellison (as Trump).

“There was no collusion. I just won the vote fair and square. I didn’t buy the election, I just bought off my latest affair,” the congressman sang. “Robert Mueller, I hate that Robert Mueller. I’m firing Robert Mueller. I’m firing Robert Mueller.”

Ellison also needled Trump over his alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, crooning: “What good is $130k? I should have paid Stormy more. You can stop asking about ‘covfefe’, that’s just Russian for ‘porn.’ Stormy Daniels. I miss you, Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels, come back Stormy Daniels.”

Ellison is the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee.


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