

Rand Paul Delivers Bitter Dose Of Reality For Liberal Gun Grabbers In Wake Of Santa Fe Shooting

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During an interview with the Fox News Channel on Friday, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that schools can’t be defenseless and disturbed shooters “aren’t so disturbed that they’re going to shoot up the sheriff’s office. They’re showing up where there is no self-defense.”

Rand said, “I think the first thing we should do is, there needs to be an announcement by every school district that we’re going to defend our children, and that we’re not going to have a sign outside that [says], ‘We’re defenseless.’ And I think that’s the problem, is that we do have these homicidal or crazy or mentally disturbed kids, but they still aren’t so disturbed that they’re going to shoot up the sheriff’s office. They’re showing up where there is no self-defense.”

He added, “I think we get distracted. We start talking about something that Republicans and Democrats disagree with on gun control. … Look, every Hollywood actor that hates guns has armed bodyguards defending them. So, they hate guns unless the guns are defending them. Let’s announce tomorrow and let’s encourage everybody who protects our kids, superintendents, principals, school boards, announce tomorrow we’re not going to leave our kids defenseless. We are going to defend our schools from crazy people with guns.”

Rand also argued that we need to try to stop people who have psychiatric disorders that cause them to act violently and prevent people who are crazy from getting firearms. He further said there isn’t enough work being done to keep people who are mentally unstable or breaking the law from having guns.

Via Breitbart

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