

Trump UNLEASHES A TWITTER-geddon On Obama And His Corrupt FBI: ‘This Is WAY BIGGER Than Watergate!’

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There’s nothing like starting a Thursday morning with a U.S. President insinuating he was spied on by his predecessor.

President Trump is getting vindication for claims that the Obama administration weaponized the FBI and DOJ to spy on the Trump campaign.

“Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI ‘spied on the Trump campaign…” Trump’s tweet began.

Wall Street Journal reporter Kimberly Strassel launched a bombshell report last week, floating the notion that the FBI had planted a mole inside the Trump campaign.

With the much-anticipated release of the I.G. report, the New York Times used carefully crafted a story that confirms Strassel’s claim, but also positions the FBI’s unseemly actions as “no big deal.”

As BPR reported:

Strassel discussed how the leakers who had spied on the Trump campaign are using the New York Times to push their own narrative before the Inspector General releases his own findings, which will undoubtedly be damning.

Make no mistake, Strassel and those on a quest for truth argue that this is a very big deal.

President Trump infamously called out the Obama admin for spying in March of 2017 and was mocked for doing so.

Once again, it looks as if Trump could be fully vindicated. Time will tell… stay tuned.


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