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John Kerry Has Committed TREASON – It’s Been Confirmed! President Trump Will Decide Whether He Goes to PRISON or Not!

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It has now been confirmed that former Secretary of State John Kerry went behind the Trump Administration’s back and negotiated over the Obama-brokered Iran nuclear deal just last month.

From Conservative Post:

President Trump was expected to pull America out of the Iran deal, which he called one of the worst he’d ever seen, as his own self-imposed deadline of May 12 approached.

Kerry, one of the chief architects behind the deal, naturally sees this as an assault on his legacy.

What he apparently fails to understand is that he’s no longer secretary of state, and to negotiate on behalf of the United States as though he were is tantamount to treason, or, at the very least, criminal misrepresentation.

After all, I, as a private citizen, can’t just hop over to Canada and start negotiating with their government on behalf of the White House.

It should go without saying that the Iranians miss Barack Obama and John Kerry, and so had no problem skirting the Trump Administration on this matter.

“We don’t see the US just as Mr. Trump; the United States is not just the current ruling administration and there are many figures who have different views on international and regional issues,” said Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi.

Do you believe that John Kerry should face time in prison for his actions? What do you think President Trump will do with this information?


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