

Kellyanne Conway Reveals That Trump Plans To END FAKE NEWS – What He’s Planning Will Blow Your Mind!

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White House Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway delivered a surprise announcement on Friday morning’s “Fox & Friends,” saying that President Donald Trump would like to make his wide-ranging Thursday interview a monthly occurrence.

Conway was appearing to discuss the situation on the Korean peninsula and the upcoming meeting between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but she began by referencing Trump’s Thursday morning interview on the same program. “Tough act to follow with yesterday’s interview.”

Host Steve Doocy thanked the Trump administration for agreeing to work with Fox News producers in order to set up that interview, but Conway said that it was certainly something the the president wanted to do and enjoyed doing. “The president had a great time bringing his case directly to the American people as he does on social media and these bilateral Q & As, certainly at the South Lawn, the press pool sprays, and with other interviews.”
But then Conway dropped the other shoe. “And the president has said that he would like to perhaps come once a month and as news breaks, but he’ll keep us guessing…”
Doocy appeared dumbfounded. “Wait. Come to Fox & Friends Once a month?”
Conway confirmed that, yes, the president would like to make regular appearances. “Perhaps monthly,” she said, or as news breaks.
A chorus of, “WOW!” and “All right!” erupted from the Fox & Friends” set.
Conway went on to explain that Trump, as a private citizen, had done a weekly appearance on “Fox & Friends” and it gave the American people a clearer picture of his thought process and policy positions. His goal in doing more regular appearances would be to keep that conversation open and ongoing.
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