

Wounded Vet Takes The Stage – The Story He Shares Makes President Trump BLUSH!

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President Trump was honoring Wounded Warriors Thursday when one man got on stage and told an amazing story about the first time he met Trump.

The room erupted into laughter and applause.


“Thank you, Mr. President,” he said.

“You know, I actually remember the first time meeting Mr. President, it happened to be at one of your golf properties. You were hosting a charitable fund-raising tournament for wounded warrior project. I remember coming up to the par three and you were stationed there greeting all your guests and saying thank you, being a gracious host.”

“And I stepped up, I felt all this pressure, I have to hit a good golf shot, and I stepped up to the tee. I hit a beautiful shot. Just remembering the reality of the situation, nestled maybe two feet from the pin, I was so excited. Just under all the pressure to be watching, I just nailed it. Then everybody else went and it was your turn and you hit your golf shot, it landed on the green, well away from mine.”

The room erupted into laughter.

Via DailyCaller

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