

Trump Speaks Out Against Florida School Shooting

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Democrats and Liberals instantly jumped all over Trump when he didn’t immediately respond publicly about the school shooting in Florida. Apparently, because he didn’t respond, that meant he didn’t care.

Of course he cares. Every single person in this country with a heart in their chest cares when 17 people, including children, are gunned down.

From Daily Caller:

Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi, revealed that Trump phoned her just after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Flordia.

“You know, all we talked about, all, his only concern tonight–the victims. As it should be. All he asked about–‘How are the victims? How are the victims? Are they okay? How are the families?’

“He was so worried about the families and the victims, you know, he’s a father, he’s a grandfather, and he deeply, deeply cares about what’s happening down here.”

There is a lot that goes into being the President, and much of it is behind the scenes. No, he didn’t immediately get on TV and make a statement. Instead, he was reaching out to people who needed to be spoken to. Liberals should take a cue from the poise of this President.

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