

The FBI Had Been WARNED About Florida School Shooter – And They Did NOTHING

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Nikolas Cruz is a highly disturbed individual with a predilection for guns and violence, and he also was frequently kicked out of school. Right now everyone with the internet is throwing around their own theories as to why Cruz took the lives of 17 of his former classmates, but there’s one thing that we don’t have to guess about.

The FBI was warned about Cruz and apparently did nothing to stop him.

From New York Daily News:

FBI agents were warned about Nikolas Cruz’s plans to become a “professional school shooter” months ago, according to a YouTube vlogger who noticed a sick comment on one of his videos.

Ben Bennight, a bail bondsman in Mississippi who goes by the name Ben the Bondsman, said that he received a terrifying comment from a user called Nikolas Cruz under a video in September.

Bennight said that he flagged the comment to YouTube and also sent a screenshot to the FBI, who visited him briefly in September and asked him whether he knew the poster.

More from the report: “The blogger said that he was contacted again by agents from both the Missisippi and Miami field offices after Cruz took an AR-15 into his Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.”

This is very, very sad. As Jim Geraghty of National Review wrote this morning: “‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Only Works if Authorities Do Something.”

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