

WOW – Nunes Points Smoking Gun At Dems, “I Dare You To Release Dem Memo”

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California Rep. Devin Nunes said that he is willing to release the House Democrat memo during a Friday interview on Fox News with Bret Baier.


“Will you vote to release the Democrat’s memo?” asked Baier.

“Yeah, we will,” responded Rep. Devin Nunes.

“When is that going to happen?” asked Baier.

“It has to go through the same process,” responded Nunes.

“When do you think it will be released?” pressed Baier.

“Hard to say, we haven’t even, I’ve only read through it once. We’re going to have to go through and scrub it again. And let’s not forget, these are the same Democrats who never wanted to start an investigation, these are the same Democrats who blocked our subpoenas back in August, they tried to block our ability to go and get the records from Fusion GPS that lead to a ton of discoveries in this investigation. So, these are not honest actors, they know they’re not being honest actors, and, you know, I get tired of playing whack-a-mole every day with the Democrats on this committee who never wanted to start this investigation in the first place,” said Nunes.

Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff has said multiple times that the House Republican memo is “misleading.”

In the Republican House memo on FISA abuse released Friday, McCabe is quoted as having said no surveillance warrant would have been sought from FISC without the Steele dossier. Nunes confirmed that this is what McCabe said, despite pushback from Democrats saying he never made those comments.

The House Republican memo made serious allegations against the integrity of the FBI and DOJ, claiming that the agencies used a FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a presidential campaign adviser for the 2016 Trump campaign, based off of the uncorroborated Steele dossier.

Via DailyCaller

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