

RINO Gone Made – Sen. Jeff Flake Compares Trump To Stalin, And Only Dicky Durbin Was There

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Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake is under fire after delivering an insulting and unhinged speech on the Senate floor attacking  President Trump and comparing him to a dictator.

Flake’s rant was in response to Trump’s criticism of the media but the so-called Republican senator made his remarks in front of a nearly-empty chamber. Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin – a Democrat – was the only senator to remain for Flake’s speech, joining a handful of journalists.

“‘The enemy of the people’ was how the president of the United States called the free press in 2017,” Flake said Wednesday.  “Mr. President, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own president uses words infamously spoken by Joseph Stalin to describe his enemies.”

The outgoing senator has been a long-time Trump critic and took to the floor to accuse the president of harboring “pernicious fantasies about rigged elections and voter fraud,” warning Americans that “if we compromise the truth for the sake of our politics, we are lost.”

The backlash against Flake was swift as many felt his comparison of the president of the United States to a mass-murdering Soviet dictator was pushing the limits.

“Comparing the leader of the free world to murderous dictators is absurd,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted. “You’ve gone too far.”

“I found it quite interesting that he is coming out to attack this president considering he’s the one who was recently defending an actually oppressive regime,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders commented at the daily press briefing Wednesday. “He went to Cuba a few weeks ago and served as a mouthpiece for the oppressive Cuban government.”

Former White House deputy adviser Sebastian Gorka slammed Flake as an “embarrassment.”

“It’s shameful. Senator Flake is an embarrassment to Congress, our great nation, and on behalf of my dead parents and all people like them who actually lived under Stalinist regimes, my father was arrested and tortured as a young anti-communist,” Gorka said on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”

“We demand an apology from this embarrassment of a politician!” Gorka added.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called the comparison of Trump to Stalin an “absurdity.”

The criticism of Flake came from all sides, with the likes of anti-Trump MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid slamming the senator for “fleeing the battlefield” by not seeking re-election.

The fact that Durbin was the only senator to hear out Flake’s rant was also of significance.

“I’ve lost all trust in Durbin,” Trump told Reuters, slamming as “very, very weak” the bipartisan immigration deal presented by Durbin and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. The president blames Durbin for leaking alleged language he used in a meeting on immigration reform last week, with the senator claiming Trump called Haiti and some African nations “sh**hole countries.” The president has denied using the terms.

Many others blasted Flake for his grandstanding speech.

Via BizPAC

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