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Elizabeth Warren Trips On Own Words, Accidentally Agrees Tax Cuts Will Help Americans

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Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts railed against GOP-led tax cuts Wednesday before admitting that they will likely result in lower electricity rates for people in her home state.

Warren back-peddled after interviewer Bret Baier mentioned energy companies are planning rate cuts in response to reduced corporate taxes. “And good for them. I’m delighted to hear that,” she said, before quickly pivoting back to her original criticism: “It is $1.5 trillion the Republicans gave away to billionaires and to giant corporations.”

Massachusetts energy giant Eversource announced earlier this month that paying millions of dollars less in taxes under the new tax law President Donald Trump signed in December could allow it to reduce rates for customers. The law, which received no Democratic support in Congress, slashes the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.

However, Elizabeth Warren is not set on helping the people of her state or country. Warren continued, “What we have to do is change it. You got to take out the parts that are giant giveaways to big corporations that right now the Republicans plan for hard-working families to eventually pay for it.”

h/t BizPAC

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