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President Trump’s 2018 Resolution: ‘Jail Time’ For Comey, Abedin, And Crooked Hillary

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Does President smell blood?

In response to new information regarding the handling of sensitive emails by the Clinton State Department, President Trump on Tuesday suggested the Justice Department take action against Clinton aide Huma Abedin and former FBI Director James Comey, among others.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols,” the president wrote. “She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.”

The remark appeared to allude to a report that Abedin forwarded emails from her State Department account to her personal email address.

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images.

Abedin reportedly used the Yahoo address to be able to print documents more easily.

“She would use these accounts if her (State) account was down or if she needed to print an email or document,” an FBI report read. “Abedin further explained that it was difficult to print from the DoS system so she routinely forwarded emails to her non-DoS accounts so she could more easily print.”

Yahoo was hit by major hacks between 2013 and 2016.


Russian intelligence agent Igor Sushchin hacked 500 million Yahoo email accounts from 2014-2016.

In 2013, a separate hack compromised 3 billion accounts. Of the hacks, Yahoo said, “All Yahoo user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft.”

Last month, the State Department released 2,800 emails retained by Abedin and stored in the laptop of her estranged husband, former New York congressman Anthony Weiner–who was slapped with a prison sentence for “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl.

(Photo: Screen Capture).

Comey has claimed President Trump asked for his loyalty during a January dinner at the White House and put pressure on him to end investigations into former national security adviser Mike Flynn.

President Trump has denied the claims. Comey admitted to providing memos of his discussions with the president to the New York Times via a friend in order to prompt the appointment of a special counsel.

The president has branded Comey a “leaker.”

Is President Trump getting ready to take off the gloves?

Via BizPAC

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