

London’s Muslim Mayor Just THREATENED Trump If He Tries To Visit

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London Mayor Sadiq Khan has stated that “London is a beacon of tolerance, acceptance and diversity”, and for that precise reason an official visit by U.S. President Donald Trump would “not be welcomed”.

Khan made the statement in written responses to questions from a member of the London Assembly, in which he was asked what he would do to make President Trump “feel welcome” when the anticipated visit comes in 2018.

Stating he had “previously called on Theresa May to cancel her ill-judged offer of a state visit to President Trump”, the mayor made clear he feels a visit by President Trump would be against the “interests and security of Londoners”. Khan said :”It is clear that any official visit here would not be welcomed.”

Referring back to recent retweets by President Trump of three videos purporting to show acts of Muslim violence, Mr. Khan remarked: “Many Brits who love both America and Americans, as I do, will see recent comments made by President Trump as hardly in tune with the special relationship between our two countries.”

Apparently, without irony, the mayor said it was because “London is a beacon of tolerance, acceptance and diversity” that the visit by President Trump should not go ahead, remarking that Trump is “completely incompatible with the values Londoners hold dear”.

While it has not been made clear precisely which security concerns concern Mr. Khan about a visit from the U.S. president, the Mayor had earlier in 2017 shrugged off the threat of terrorism as merely being “part and parcel” of city life. Mayor Khan has also presided over an astonishing rise of acid attacks in London, which has led to the city being crownedthe acid attack capital of the world.

David Kurten, the elected member of the London assembly who issued the formal questions to Khan questioning his behaviour over Trump, said the mayor was exceeding his remit by getting involved in global politics, when in reality “his job is simply to run London’s transport network and police, but since he took office he has used his position to grandstand on international issues as though he were a Head of State. He is not.”

Slamming Khan’s counterproductive stance towards the United States and President Trump, Kurten told Breitbart London: “Since Donald Trump became President, London’s Mayor has become increasingly hostile to one of the best and most Anglophile Presidents there has ever been. Instead of building a good relationship and welcoming his offer of putting Britain at the front of the queue for a trade deal, he has snubbed him with a series of personal insults.

“Sadiq Khan’s latest outburst that President Trump is ‘not welcome’ in London is well beyond his pay grade and flies in the face of common courtesy. It is also hypocritical: he is willing to host the ambassadors of countries which have a travel ban on Israeli citizens at a reception at City Hall, but hurls insults at President Trump who has highlighted the horrors of Islamism and wants to protect his own citizens from violent jihadis.

“His so-called drive to be ‘inclusive’ is a sham. He has snubbed the democratically elected President of the United States and the American people who voted for him, and London will be worse off for the continuing deterioration of his tone.”

Via Breitbart

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