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Hothead Eric Holder Just Made This HOSTILE Threat To President Trump

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Former Attorney General Eric Holder fired more than just a warning shot at Republicans over Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

With investigators in the Russia probe being exposed as partisan Obama and Hillary lackeys, the pressure is on the GOP to oust special counsel Mueller.

Not so fast warned Obama’s former wingman who tweeted, “any attempt to remove Bob Mueller will not be tolerated.”

Holder called the attacks on Mueller’s staff “B.S.” and ironically called Republican attempts to expose the Trump-hating players conducting the probe “blatantly political.”

Mueller fired top FBI agent Peter Strzok in August when anti-Trump, pro-Hillary texts were discovered between he and fellow FBI agent Lisa Page who he was having an affair with at the time. Both were working on the Trump/Russia investigation.

Upon further digging by Republicans, thousands of texts were found between the lovers that mocked Trump repeatedly, while the two sang Hillary Clinton’s praises.

Strozk also supervised the probe into Hillary’s alleged illegal use of an email server. She was exonerated after an FBI investigation headed by James Comey exonerated her before all the evidence was in.

Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy grilled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (an Obama holdover) on Wednesday, and demanded to know “what the hell is going on” with the FBI.

Holder fired off his hostile tweet on Thursday and stirred a hornet’s nest of political buzz:

Holder’s tweet did come off as a bit threatening. It’s curious coming from a man who no longer has his position in the White House, but sends out tweets as if he was.

Via BIZPacReview

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