
George H.W. Bush Was Just Accused Of GROPING a 16 Year Old Girl!

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Some of these accusations of assault are harder to believe than others. If they are true some are most definitely harder to swallow than others, including the allegations against former President George H.W. Bush. A woman is now saying he touched her inappropriately when she was 16 years old.

From Washington Examiner: 

Roslyn Corrigan told Time magazine Bush touched her buttocks in November 2003 at CIA offices in Woodlands, Texas, where she was attending an event with her parents.

“My initial action was absolute horror. I was really, really confused,” Corrigan said of the alleged incident. “The first thing I did was look at my mom and, while he was still standing there, I didn’t say anything. What does a teenager say to the ex-president of the United States? Like, ‘Hey dude, you shouldn’t have touched me like that?’”

She said Bush groped her while she was standing next to him during a photo op.

“As soon as the picture was being snapped on the one-two-three he dropped his hands from my waist down to my buttocks and gave it a nice, ripe squeeze, which would account for the fact that in the photograph my mouth is hanging wide open,” Corrigan said. “I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, what just happened?’”

Corrigan is the sixth woman in recent weeks to accuse the former president of grabbing her buttocks without permission.

Seven people told the news organization that Corrigan had told them of the alleged groping in the years before the other allegations surfaced.

“George Bush simply does not have it in his heart to knowingly cause anyone harm or distress, and he again apologizes to anyone he may have offended during a photo op,” Bush spokesperson Jim McGrath said in a statement.

In response to other allegations, McGrath said Bush tells the same joke and has occasionally “patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner” to make people feel more comfortable around him.

All we can say is WOW, and hopefully this is NOT true. Do you believe these accusations are legitimate?

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