

The Media is IGNORING Another Texas Shooting After They Discover The Identity of the Shooter!

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Although the Texas church shooting was undoubtedly major news, and our hearts and thoughts go out to the victims of that terrible crime, there was another shooting in Texas that NO major media outlets are reporting on, and we think we know why.

It’s not a story, or at least not an angle that can be pushed, when the shooter is an illegal immigrant.

Conservative Post reports:

That horrific church massacre wasn’t the only shooting attack to occur in Texas this week, though it’s the only one on which the liberal mainstream media will focus.

The other shooting took place Saturday when an inebriated man opened fire on a stretch of highway, wounding at least four people, including a 7-year-old girl who remains in critical condition.

But the reason the mainstream media has all but ignored this shooting, despite the fact that it would add fuel to the gun control argument, is the identify of the shooter.

Turns out he’s an illegal immigrant.

It’s horrible that a major story like this goes unreported because it doesn’t  fit a narrative that the media can use to push their agendas. Our thoughts are with these victims, and we hope those in the hospital are able to recover soon. God bless you!



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