
[WATCH] Trump Refuses Russian Hookers Because ‘He Doesn’t Do That Sort Of Thing’

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Trump has integrity. He does the right thing even when no one is watching. Recently a former bodyguard told what could have been a very juicy story about Trump’s stay is Moscow during the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013.

After a business meeting before the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013, a Russian participant offered to “send five women” to Donald Trump’s hotel room in Moscow, his longtime bodyguard told Congress this week, according to three sources who were present for the interview.

Two of the sources said the bodyguard, Keith Schiller, viewed the offer as a joke, and immediately responded, “We don’t do that type of stuff.”

The two sources said Schiller’s comments came in the context of him adamantly disputing the allegations made in the Trump dossier, written by a former British intelligence operative, which describes Trump having an encounter with prostitutes at the hotel during the pageant. Schiller described his reaction to that story as being, “Oh my God, that’s bull—-,” two sources said. (via: Hotair)

Way to go Trump. Watch the full video below:

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