
John McCain Just FLIPPED Out at Fox Reporter Who Asked a Simple Question – He’s Lost It!

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I have young children. And I can tell you that any time their wrongdoings are exposed, the first reaction is a hostile defense one that attempts to shift blame.

That’s precisely how Senator John McCain reacted when a Fox News reporter tried to get real with him, and in so doing exposed the subversive Republican’s dirty little secret.

And that secret, apparently, is that McCain making policy decisions and votes based almost solely on a personal grudge against President Trump.

The fact that he so vigorously insisted on the reverse only proves that it’s true.

Of course, there’s also more tangible evidence, like McCain campaigning on a firm promise to repeal Obamacare, only to vote IN FAVOR of Obamacare when President Trump tried to repeal it!

(via: Conservative Post)

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