
Obama Has Fit Of Rage After Trump Reveals This One Key Change He Made That Took ISIS Down

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War is hell. That is why is when you are in one you better be decisive and use all your advantages.

You cannot be weak when you have the strongest military the world has ever seen, but you must be prudent.

Obama watched as the world burned and worse, wouldn’t put out the fire. Because only the US military could have fixed the ISIS mess.

But the military needs to be led by the president and Obama sat on his hands and literally destabilized the entire world – mass migrations, civil war, etc.

And in just a few short months, Trump has arrested the fall and reversed Obama’s biggest failure.

Trump has seen tremendous success and now comes the incredible news that ISIS’s capital of Raqqa just fell.

Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve, cryptically said, we are “aware of the reports that ISIS has been defeated in Raqqa,” before adding, “However, clearing operations continue, we still expect there to be remnants of ISIS in the city — about 100 of them.”

Trump was a little more talkative about the big news. He even revealed the key change he made to Obama’s failed policy that directly led to the fall of Raqqa.

“It had to do with the people I put in and it had to do with rules of engagement. We weren’t fighting to win. We were fighting to be politically correct,” Trump said according to Politico.

“I totally changed rules of engagement. I totally changed our military. I totally changed the attitudes of the military and they have done a fantastic job,” Trump added, “Yeah, ISIS is now giving up. They’re giving up, they’re raising their hands, they’re walking off. Nobody’s ever seen that before.”

“Why did that happen?” asked radio host Chris Plante,

“Because you didn’t have Trump as your president. I mean, it was a big difference. I mean, there’s a big, big difference if you look at the military now.”

Correct. Share if you agree that Trump is the right man for this hard job at this crucial time in history.

Via (Lutchman)

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