
[VIDEO] Judge Jeanine Just Took a HUGE Risk and Took Down Michelle Obama on LIVE TV!

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Michelle Obamas was interviewed by Oprah and as usual she took the time to bash Trump.

She made many insolent comments as far as saying that America has lost hope since Trump won the 2016 election.

Judge Pirro during her opening statement set things straight about Michelle’s comments.

Michelle Obama said: “see, now, we are feeing what not having hope feels like. You know. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believe, what else do you have when you do not have hope?”

Judge Pirro replied:

She stated “you lived a life few can even imagine at the citadel of power and prestige in the world. You and your husband, blessed by God, and the American people, with the unique and historic opportunity to not only lead America from that shining place on the hill but impact Americans and give them hope virtually no others can. Now that you’re leaving, hope is gone?”

This was the harsh reality that Michelle Obama needed to hear.

Judge Pirro went on to say “hope is when people, 30 thousand at a time stand in line in the cold with their children hoping to get a glimpse of a man they think can change the course of their lives from the downward spiral that you and mister hope and change have put them on. I’ll tell you what hope and change is. Hope and change is when people show up 20 thousand strong after an election- desperate to see the man who actually brought back jobs to almost a thousand people when your husband said it was impossible.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Judge Pirro. The video below shows Judge Pirro explaining her point of view on Michelle’s comments… and she certainly didn’t hold back.


(via: Conservative Post)

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