
Nancy Pelosi Has OFFICIALLY Been Asked To Step Down – She’s FINISHED!

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Rep. Nancy Pelosi has spent the past several years of her congressional career barely conscious of what’s happening around her.

From offering condolences on the death of a fellow House rep who was still alive to thinking George W. Bush was still in office, Pelosi has repeatedly made a fool of herself, and the Democratic Party.

What’s really sad is that this woman, who is clearly suffering from some mental issues (and that’s not a slight – it happens to some who reach old age), is still acting as the House Minority Leader!

She shouldn’t be holding so prominent and consequential a position, and even her own party feels that way.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, is again being called on to step down, but this time the request came from a fellow female Californian in a top congressional leadership position.

Rep. Linda Sánchez, D-Whittier (Los Angeles County), the fifth-most-senior House Democrat, told C-SPAN Thursday: “I do think it’s time to pass a torch to a new generation of leaders, and I want to be a part of that transition. I think we have too many great members here that don’t always get the opportunities that they should.”

The remarks reflect a growing frustration among Democrats, who have been hemorrhaging seats at all levels of government nearly everywhere except California for nearly a decade, that the party doesn’t have a coherent, appealing message. Pelosi is stuck in the middle, seen as too progressive by heartland Democrats in swing districts and too much of a corporatist by progressive Democrats, where much of the party’s current energy lies.

(via: Conservative Post)

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