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Antifa FAIL! Texas Cops Make Protesters REGRET Coming!

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Texas cops are REAL cops. They don’t pander to the pathetic whimpers of snowflake protestors!

Hundreds of left-wing Antifa terrorists came out to protest a “Dixie Freedom Rally” in Austin, Texas on Saturday. The police weren’t putting up with the violence, either. Watch the insane video below.

Screenshot of the video below

Watch these Texas cops teach Antifa why they shouldn’t mess with Texas.


The Texas Confederate Militia decided to postpone their rally to a later date because of violent threats via Antifa. The rally was thus canceled. Antifa protested hardcore anyways.

This Antifa scum is gonna need his momma to get him out of jail (Screenshot)
He fought the law and the law won. (screenshot)
This kid got his Ninja Halloween costume out for the event (Screenshot)

Why was Antifa allowed to show up with masks and weapons? If they banned the masks – then the violence would pretty much end! It’s disgusting to watch Antifa terrorists scream at police officers and call them “murderers” and “violent pigs.”

Via (LibertyWriters)

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