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James Comey’s Life is About to Come CRASHING Down After It’s Revealed He LIED During Clinton Investigation

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The outlook for James Comey wasn’t looking good before — but it might get a LOT worse if one GOP senator gets his way.

During a press briefing earlier this week, Sarah Huckabee Sanders revealed that Comey had LIED during interviews about the Clinton investigation.

“Since Director Comey’s firing, we’ve learned new information about his conduct that only provided further justification for that firing,” Sanders stated, “including giving false testimony, leaking privileged information to journalists. He went outside of the chain of command and politicized an investigation into a presidential candidate.”

Now, Sen. Ron Johnson is DEMANDING that transcripts of the interviews conducted between the Office of Special Council and Comey’s staffers be released.

“The Committee has conducted oversight of the FBI’s investigation into Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email system. The information in OSC’s possession could further explain the scope, course, and nature of the FBI’s investigation,” Johnson explained.

He goes on to explain that the transcripts “may shed light” on what REALLY HAPPENED before Comey decided Clinton would not be charged.

If these transcripts are released — and they confirm that Comey lied — he may soon find himself on the other end of the law. No longer choosing who goes to jail, he may be there himself.

SHARE if you support Johnson’s Efforts to REVEAL THE TRUTH.

It could finally end Comey’s LIES for good.

(via: Liberty Writers)

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