
MSNBC Displays DISGUSTING Behavior By Using 9/11 To Attack Trump

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MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell and former Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson were able to sneak in an attack on President Donald Trump while discussing the September 11 terror attacks.

While boasting the chyron “Nation Pauses To Remember 9/11 Attacks,” MSNBC pivoted to slam Trump for not replacing Gen. John Kelly at the DHS, implying that Trump would not be prepared to handle another terror attack without a replacement.

“John Kelly has been White House chief of staff for more than a month, I think,” Mitchell said. “At this point, we still don’t have a replacement for him at Homeland.”

“How troubling is it that there is no nominee at this very complicated department?” she asked Johnson.

“Well, today it’s a reminder that the job of secretary of Homeland Security is an incredibly important one to the American people,” Johnson replied, “and I hope and expect that Trump will nominate somebody very soon for this very important position.”

“It’s not just counterterrorism and natural disasters…and so it’s a job that needs to be filled,” Johnson said. “You need somebody at the cabinet level to keep their eye on all of this.”

(via: Daily Caller)

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