
Liberals Are Using FAKE CHARITIES To Profit Off Flood Victims

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Being the victim of a flood or an earthquake typically involves pain and suffering, and sometimes the horrendous loss of your loved ones. As sickening and disgusting as it might sound, there are those on the left who aren’t happy with the indignities ending there, they feel a desire to profit that is fueled by an unfathomable ability to see victims of all of the despair and devastation brought on by a natural disaster as “easy pickings”

Linda Sarsour (a woman not without controversy) may have been inspired by her elder Hillary Clinton who had (prior to Sarsour becoming a liberal role model for her terrorist sympathies and phony feminism) elevated the robbing of charities to an art form.  Events in Texas and Louisiana are eerily similar to the tragedy that struck the Island nation of Haiti in 2010.  Writing for World Net Daily,  Jane Chastain submits in her article the following “Of the $13 billion in reconstruction money (the lion’s share from the U.S.) the Office of the Special Envoy to Haiti reported that only 1 percent went to Haitian groups and agencies on the ground and 9.6 percent went to the Haitian government. It appears the rest was funneled through groups that had ties to the Clintons or had been donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the money-laundering scheme that helped the Clintons maintain a lavish lifestyle and kept their political operatives employed when they were out of office.”

Strangely the many Politicians who have spared no expense to discover if President Trump has ever spoken to anyone of Russian ancestry could find no time and no money to find out what happened to the Billions in flood relief that America so generously donated for the earthquake and flood ravaged people of Haiti.

Apparently the fact that the Clinton’s had apparently gotten away with the rape and ruin of the country wasn’t lost on Linda Sarsour.  Not possessing her own foundation (yet) Sarsour saw fit to plead for donations to “help” the poor flood victims of Texas by contributing to what was being referred to in her tweet as the “Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund”

Linda Sarsour‏
Verified account


Donate to the #Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund. …
12:42 AM – 29 Aug 2017

Fortunately it was quickly discovered by others (such as @RobProvince aka Educated Hillbilly) that the whole “Harvey Hurricane Relief fund” was actually a Political Action Committee called the Texas Organizing Committee

EducatédHillbilly™ @RobProvince

Dear @TwitterSupport, this account is directing #Harvey relief funds to a political PAC.

Oh and the goals of the PAC? Well there nothing new, in fact they are all too familiar…..

Of course the unrepentant Sarsaor wasn’t the creep behind the phony solicitations, she was a victim, and the real culprits in all of this?? You may have guessed…

Linda Sarsour

Texas Organizing Project is not my PAC, but who cares about facts when you are white supremacists obsessed w/ smearing women of color.

11:08 AM – Aug 31, 2017



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