
Trump’s Latest Announcement Will Put BILLIONS Back Into The U.S. Economy!

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President Trump promised during his campaign to bring manufacturing back to America, and he’s just delivered another major win.

The president sent out a tweet on Friday announcing car manufacturers Toyota and Mazda would be creating 4,000 new jobs and investing $1.6 BILLION in a new manufacturing plant in the US:







Even better, the two companies will be working together to innovate electric vehicles- developing “connected technology and [collaborating] on advanced safety technologies.”

Toyota already has six plants in the US, but Mazda will be gaining a foothold in production capacity in the US market through this new deal. Mazda currently ships to the US, its biggest market, through Mexico and Japan.

President Trump slammed Toyota earlier this year for its plans to build a new factory in Mexico. The president then suggested he would put a border tax on Toyota’s cars.

The plan will be completed by 2021 and they two companies have not yet announced where the new plant will be located- wherever it is, it’s great news for the US and the American people!

(via: Liberty Writers)

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