
Trump’s Children Prove EXACTLY What Kind of Man The President Is – Do You Support Them?

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Public figures like the president are highly scrutinized. But if you really want to know the character of a man, look to his children.

While everyone makes mistakes at one point or another in their lives, the children of a good man will overall behave in the manner in which they were raised.

As such, what President Trump’s children have been spotted doing of late says a LOT about the kind of man we elected as commander-in-chief.

For instance, it was reported that Eric Trump and his wife, Lara, recently donated a whopping $20 million to help sick children.

The money went to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where experts are researching cures to rare and current-incurable diseases.

When asked by reporters about the donation, Eric described St. Jude’s as a “national treasure.”

Eric is clearly moved while describing his first visit to the hospital, where he met a number of the sick children, whose families have been hoping and praying for benevolent people like the Trump family to finance the cures they need.

Nor is Eric the only one of the Trump children to behave in such a caring and honorable way.

We’ve witnessed similar philanthropy and simple kindness from Ivanka and Donald Jr. on numerous occasions.

And that says everything we need to know about the character of our president.

(via: Conservative Post)

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