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A Top Doctor Just Gave John McCain Some HORRIBLE News About His Chances of Survivial

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I am not sure why everyone keeps trying to downplay the kind of brain cancer John McCain has. From what I have read, he already has only a 10% chance of survival. And Dr. Kelli Ward has some even worse news…

Kelli Ward is a successful doctor from Arizona who said in a statement on Friday,

“The medical reality of his diagnosis is grim.”

“As a doctor, I’ve counseled people in similar situations and these end-of-life choices are never easy. I usually advise terminal patients to reduce stress, relax, and spend time laughing with loved ones.”

“When the time comes that Senator McCain can no longer perform his duties in the Senate at full capacity, he owes it to the people of Arizona to step aside.”


What she is trying to say is that 10% survival is the GENERAL chance. McCain is an 80-year-old Senator with combat and capture related injuries. Things do not bode well for him if he keeps over working himself.

Look, it’s not like Senator McCain hasn’t served his country long enough. He has served America in many capacities for over 60 years. Don’t you think the man deserves a retirement? Like, right now.

His claim that he will be back at work quickly is all just posturing. If he comes back quickly, he may end up killing himself. I am sure his kids and grandkids miss him tons. Share this out to let McCain know Republicans think he should just retire and visit his loved ones.

(via: Liberty Writers)

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