
You Won’t BELIEVE Who The Democrats Are Thinking Of Running in 2020 – HYSTERICAL!

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Wow, now that is a trifecta!  Not sure they want to mess with a good thing.  I mean, “dance with the one that brung ya” and all!  But it isn’t too early to look at 2020 and just who might be on the democratic Wheel of Fortune!

With no clear front-runner and a seemingly leaderless, rudderless party, pundits (you know those people that predict the future) say this is a unusually wide race to see who will be the next fresh face.

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders seem to be headed that way, but, according to NBC News, a few others that have been around awhile have not ruled it out … yes, Uncle Joe Biden chimes in saying “never say never”.

Also to watch are the usual suspects … New York Governor Andrew Cuomo seems eager to take on President Trump and Senator Al Franken (D-MN) a former comedian might be the perfect foil to take on the former reality tv star.  Oh, could it get stranger?

Don’t tempt me.  A resounding “YES” would be your answer.

According to NBC News:

“Then there are the businessmen and women, the celebrities, the non-politicians. Trump won, their thinking might go, so why not me? Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg has been rumored to be interested, as has Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. Mark Cuban, the billionaire “Shark Tank” star, brings a unique ability to get under Trump’s skin. And rumors even fly about actors like Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson and George Clooney.”

Pundits thinking they have a chance, but I’d say Trump is looking fairly solid for another four years!

(via: Conservative Post)

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