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This A-List Actress Just SWAPPED SIDE, and Came Out In SUPPORT of Trump!

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Rare have been the voices from Hollywood who accept Trump as their president or even, gasp, support him.

Most of Tinseltown’s elite snowflakes have joined the Democrats’ “resistance” to our 45th Commander-in-Chief, proving they aren’t really democratic at all.

But as we get deeper into Trump’s presidency, a handful seem to be coming to their senses.

One of them, and this totally came out of left field, is the controversial Lindsay Lohan.










In response to recent attacks against Trump on Twitter, Lohan was out there urging Americans to accept him as their president.
Now, this really marks a mature turn-around for Lohan, considering that 13 years ago, when the actress was at the height of her troubles with substance abuse, Trump made some lewd remarks about her on Howard Stern’s radio show.

She has more excuse than most in Hollywood to be upset with Trump, but instead Lohan is urging Americans to be, well, Americans by accepting the results of our national election.

(via: Conservative Post)

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