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Megyn Kelly Just Got Some BAD News From NBC – She May Be On Her Way OUT Already!

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Since leaving Fox News after seeing herself as too entitled to work for the conservative network, Megyn Kelly’s situation has gone from bad to worse.

First, Kelly believed the other networks would get into a huge bidding war for her.

That didn’t happen, though NBC did end up giving her a slot, probably for much less than she was hoping.

And with her own show, Kelly has done little but embarrass herself and NBC.

Well, this week she did something even worse, as far as NBC executives are concerned – she lost them money, a LOT of money.

JP Morgan, one of the network’s biggest advertisers, announced that it was pulling all its ads during Kelly’s program because of her choice of interview guest.

Kelly was set to interview conservative and controversial radio host Alex Jones, who many have maligned for his views on gun rights in America.

Now, this particular incident says more about the intolerance of JP Morgan than it does about Kelly’s ineptitude as a journalist.

But that kind of liberal attitude is nothing new.

If things continue in this manner, Megyn Kelly’s going to be looking for a new job, soon.

Think Fox will take her back?

(via: Conservative Post)

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