
Obama Has SINISTER Plan To STEAL The 2020 Election – You Won’t BELIEVE This!

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Oh, the irony… or is it hypocrisy?

Even as Democrats continue to wail that Trump somehow stole the election from Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama has been caught hatching a sinister plot to actually steal the 2020 presidential vote.

From Dennis Michael Lynch:

A pro-Democrat data firm will be working on the 2020 Census, as a subcontractor in a $415 million advertising deal awarded to Young & Rubicam, Inc., and Republican senators are demanding answers.

Civis Analytics is the firm in question – who Fox News reports was founded by the chief analytics officer on former President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.

Right on their website, Civis Analytics states, “We’re the minds that powered President Obama’s re-election campaign. Our mission is to help organizations find the truth in their data, and to spur them to actions that will change the world for the better.”

Since a group led by former Attorney General Eric Holder has made it clear they are intending to re-draw district lines to give greater favor to Democratic candidates in future elections, Republicans are even more concerned that the 2020 census be conducted in a nonpartisan manner.

Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-Wis.), and the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee sent a letter Monday, June 5, to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, expressing great concern about Civis Analytics being involved in the census process.

“The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is conducting oversight of the U.S. Census Bureau’s preparations for the 2020 Decenninal Census. In 2016, the Bureau awarded an advertising contract that included a subcontractor with close ties to partisan politics that reportedly “spun out of” the releelection campaign of President Obama. I respectfully request information about how the Bureau will ensure the integrity and impartiality of the 2020 Census,” Johnson wrote.

If these guys manage to redraw district voting lines, they could effectively keep President Trump from being reelected.

(via: Conservative Post)

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