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Comedian Tim Allen Is FIRED and His Sitcom CANCELLED After Speaking Out In Favor of President Trump!

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First they tried to get rid of conservative actor Tim Allen’s popular sitcom Last Man Standing by moving it to the dreaded Friday night time slot.

But the show continued to enjoy shockingly good ratings.

As Deadline described it’s ratings as “very respectable for any night and especially Friday.”

More than that, Last Man Standing was a standout syndication hit.

From The Daily Wire:

The real money in the sitcom business comes from syndication rights, selling the reruns on a per episode basis to other networks. Last Man Standing is not only a syndication smash, a virtual cash cow, per Deadline it is the “rare off-network ratings success story these days.”

So, it was with great surprise that ABC decided to suddenly cancel the show, despite a rise in production costs for the network (overall profits would have still far outstripped costs).

Surely, it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Allen’s character was unabashedly conservative and a devout Christian, much like the actor himself…could it?

I think we all know the answer.

(via: Conservative Post)

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