
Liberal California Governor Touts it’s NOT CHRISTIAN to Build a Wall to Keep out ILLEGALS

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On this morning’s “Meet the Press,” from NBC, Gov. Jerry Brown said it was not a “Christian thing” to build a border wall to stop undocumented immigrants from coming into the United States because he said they were “children of God” and, “They should be treated that way.”

From  Breitbart

Brown told Chuck Todd,

“The wall to me is ominous. It reminds me too much of the Berlin wall. When I see that 30-foot wall I worry somehow is they trying to keep me in or keep them out? I really think people ought to be careful because there’s a lot of odor here of kind of a strong man, a kind of a world where you want the ultimate leader here to be doing all of this stuff, and having a wall, locking the people in is one of those characteristics. I think America ought to be very careful when we make radical changes like a 30-foot wall keeping some in and some out.”

He continued, “I don’t like that wall, number one. And to the extent that that violates law certainly, I would enforce that. We’re not going to sit around and just play patsy and say, ‘Hey, go ahead. Lock us in. Do whatever the hell you want. Deport 2 billion, 2 million people.’ No, we’re going to fight, and we’re going to fight very hard. But we’re not going to bring stupid lawsuits or be running to the courthouse every day. We’re going to be careful. We’ll be strategic.”

He added, “We are going to do the right, human and I would even say the Christian thing from my point of view. You don’t treat human beings like that. That is not what — Trump’s supposed to be Mr. Religious Fellow and I  thought we had to treat the least of these as we would treat the Lord. So I hope he would reconnect with some of his conservative evangelicals and they’ll tell him that these are human beings and they’re children of God, they should be treated that way.”


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