
CNN Caught In MASSIVE Lie About Sean Hannity – Did They Go Too Far This Time?

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CNN just published a story, stating that Sean Hannity once “pulled a gun” on Juan Williams, following a heated segment.

From CNN: [Still,] Hannity’s version of entertainment can go too far. Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams, according to three sources with knowledge of the incident. He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body. (Hannity was just showing off, the sources said, but the unforeseen off-camera antic clearly disturbed Williams and others on set.)

For the record: Hannity’s colleagues brought the Williams incident to the attention of Fox News executives, though it’s not clear whether anything came of it. The sources said it went to Bill Shine, the network’s co-president and longtime Fox News executive, who is Hannity’s longtime friend and a former producer. A Fox News spokesperson said the incident was referred to the legal and human resources departments.

Even Juan Williams himself, though, said that it wasn’t true, yet CNN refuses to alter their story.

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