
With Trump In Office, All Military Branches Are Working On HUGE Expansion

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With Trump in office, military branches are all drafting plans of expansion, to improve a military that has become ‘depleted’. reports:

From the Air Force to the Army, America’s military service branches are busy preparing ambitious proposals to expand, as President Trump renews his pledge to rebuild a fighting force he says has become “depleted.”

“Our country will never have had a military like the military we’re about to build and rebuild,” Trump said at last week’s press conference. “It won’t be depleted for long.”

The president made rebuilding the military a centerpiece of his campaign, and sent a fresh signal of his intentions with his choice for national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster – who for months has sounded the alarm about the declining state of the U.S. Army.

“We are outranged and outgunned by many potential adversaries … [and] our army in the future risks being too small to secure the nation,” McMaster told a Senate Armed Services subcommittee last April. Trump’s decision to tap McMaster brings a vocal advocate for boosting the Armed Forces into his inner circle.

(via: Red State Watcher)

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