
Ivanka Trump Gets The Most AWESOME Revenge on Nordstrom – They’re Crying Now!

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The liberals found no other method to destroy Donald Trump as president, so they began throwing low blows at his family. First, it was Barron Trump, Donald Trump’s youngest and then came Ivanka Trump, who became the liberals’ favorite target.

The liberals decided to cut her products’ sales at Nordstrom and another retail brand, due to apparent low sales, but we all know that this isn’t the case.

Still, being successful is a great vengeance, and Ivanka Trump has a lot to celebrate right now.

Namely, her fragrance hit the number one sold product on Amazon. This topped many other perfume names, including the ones of Estee Lauder and Jennifer Lopez. 

Nordstrom released numerous statements and still claimed that everything happened because of low sales numbers.

The liberals even tried to boycott Ivanka’s products, which ended in a counter boycott on behalf of her supporters.

The liberals find almost any reason to protest nowadays, and we know that Nordstrom’s decision to cease her product line was deliberate.

Nordstrom is mainly liberal oriented and they couldn’t indulge Ivanka Trump by selling her stuff, so the easiest way to harm Donald Trump was to go after his daughter.

However, the conservatives did not let this go unnoticed and even released videos protesting their store and deciding to shop elsewhere.

Ivanka Trump doesn’t need money as much, but the entire matter is about prestige and business and collaboration, something Nordstrom knows nothing of.

Scott Baio posted a tweet in which he analyzed the whole situation and the consequences that might follow.

Mr. Baio is brave enough to come forward with the truth, while other conservatives still remain silent.

Ivanka Trump is victorious in this case and nothing else is relevant right now.

Do you think that Ivanka Trump will make her line even more successful after Nordstrom dropped her as a client?

Also, do you find Scott Baio’s tweet useful and needed?

Make sure to tell us what you think in the comment section below and share this story on Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness and show Nordstrom that not everything is about them!

(via: World Politicus)

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