
Trump Haters Are QUITTING Their Jobs At Pro-Trump Companies!

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Holding a company or an individual hostage because they’re Trump supporters is obviously an extreme position to hold. However, that’s apparently what’s taking place at some prestigious firms as “Trump Derangement Syndrome” continues gripping the emotional well-being of those on the “loony-left!”

Moreover, some of those CEOs and corporate big-wigs who have met with the president at the White House are feeling the unhinged wrath of their employees.

The apparent backlash by those employees while appearing to be an emotional and spontaneous response does seem to have a wider and more calculated agenda and perhaps a tinge of progressive politics attached, designed perhaps to undermine the economic agenda of the Trump Administration.

No doubt the report by Bloomberg News that employees are quitting their jobs at some of the companies that have come out in support Trump is true

For example at IBM, employees petitioned the company’s CEO, Ginni Rometty, after she congratulated Trump’s historical electoral win asking her to respect their right to “refuse to participate in any government contracts that violate constitutional and civil liberties.”

Think about that request for a second, an employee deciding what contracts they will or will not work on depending on “their views” as to what violates “civil liberties.”

Another manager also suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) wrote an open letter about her resignation on social media, and received thousands of responses, while another manager quit his job because Co-Chief Executive Safra Catz joined Trump’s transition team.

Some have even forced their CEOs to drop their support for the president, as was the case with Uber’s CEO Travis Kalanick.

However one thing seems clear these various attacks, demonstrations and protests, from retail stores, dropping Trump merchandise, politicians holding up Trump’s nominee’s, the mainstream media reporting “fake news” and activist judges legislating national security issues from the bench, these are all coordinated attacks, designed to undermine the new administration.

(via: US Herald)

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