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Trump Immigration Raids Kick Off – Illegals Are Finally Being DEPORTED

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Officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement aka ICE conducted raids in at least 6 states this week, arresting illegal alien criminals in a major sweep that gives us a glimpse into what’s to come under a “law & order” Trump administration.

The raids took place in Georgia, Illinois, New York, California, and North & South Carolina. Illegal criminals were arrested at their homes and workplaces. Immigration watchers say that raids also took place in the states of Florida, Kansas, Texas and Virginia.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Tex.) told the Washington Post that he talked to an official at ICE’s San Antonio office, and that they confirmed they had “launched a targeted operation in South and Central Texas as part of Operation Cross Check.”

According to Atlanta immigration attorney Hiba Ghalib, illegal criminals are sh*tting their pants. She told the Post, “People are panicking. People are really, really scared.” Which of course they wouldn’t be if they hadn’t broken United States federal law, and hadn’t committed crimes while in the U.S. illegally. No tears from us.

There were reports of ICE using checkpoints in Texas and North Carolina, but the agency denies the use of checkpoints, calling the rumors “dangerous and irresponsible.” Apparently more fake news from the left to stir up anti-Trump hate.

Via the Post:

ICE agents in the Los Angeles area Thursday swept a number of individuals into custody over the course of an hour, seizing them from their homes and on their way to work in daytime operations, activists said.

David Marin, ICE’s field director in the Los Angeles area, said in a conference call with reporters Friday that 75 percent of the approximately 160 people detained in the operation this week had felony convictions; the rest had misdemeanors or were in the United States illegally. Officials said Friday night that 37 of those detained in Los Angeles has been deported to Mexico.

“Dangerous criminals who should be deported are being released into our communities,” Marin said.

MORE: 150 of 160 arrested in ICE raids had prior felony convictions for child sex crimes, other ‘violent’ offenses

— CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) February 10, 2017

A criminal illegal is arrested in Los Angeles.

ICE officers arrest an illegal in Los Angeles on Feb. 7, 2017 (Charles Reed / U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via REUTERS)

The scene from downtown Los Angeles.

According to Austin city council member Greg Casar, some Hispanic students stayed home from school upon hearing of the raids. I’m kind of wondering if they were any of these racist hoodlums who were seen flipping off Trump supporters last year. If so, good riddance.

ICE officials told NBC News that 200 criminal illegals had been arrested in Georgia and North & South Carolina.

Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Gillian Christensen told the Post that ICE agents arrested illegals from a “dozen Latin American countries.” Christensen went on, “We’re talking about people who are threats to public safety or a threat to the integrity of the immigration system.” The majority were guilty of serious crimes, including murder, according to the spokeswoman.

Many leftists complained that this all came about because of Trump, but L.A. ICE Director Marin told news organizations that the raids in Los Angeles were planned “before the administration came out with their current executive orders.”

Immigration officials did say that the raids were larger than they would have been under the Obama administration, largely in part due to President Trump’s new executive order directing them to focus on deporting illegal aliens who have committed crimes.

Of course, liberal snowflakes like Keith Olbermann completely lost it upon hearing that criminals were being deported.

Well, you know what? Get used to it, libs.

(via: Freedom Daily)

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