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VIDEO: What Trump Just Did For Medicare Will Save THOUSANDS of Lives!

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Hey, do y’all remember back during the election when Donald Trump promised to help fix Medicare? Well, guess what, HE IS DOING IT!

Today Trump met with a bunch of the CEO’s of America’s top pharmacy companies to tell them that they better start cutting drug prices BIG TIME!


Of course, President Trump is always very fair. That’s why he is offering to return the favor by slashing up to 80% of pharmacy regulations and significantly reducing approval process time for drugs.

“We have to do better accelerating cures. You’re going to get your products either approved or not approved, but it will be a quick process and it’s not going to take 15 years.”

He also promised all the drug companies that, if they move all their production back to the US, he will cut their taxes BIG LEAGUE!

Isn’t it amazing? We finally have a president who uses common sense solutions to BIG problems and the liberals act like the world is ending.


So get ready, America. President Trump is about to make our HORRIBLE health insurance and product industry something that works BY the American people FOR the American people! Share the good news all over the place.

(via: Liberty Writers News)

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