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BREAKING: FBI ADMITS That Hillary Clinton DOES Belong In Jail!

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Hillary Clinton hasn’t been in the news recently because she’s doing her best to remain low key, even as the subject of ongoing investigations. Ongoing, because the inquiries into her email scandal haven’t stopped, despite what the liberal media tells you on the matter.

As many on the left think that Russia somehow doctored Clinton’s lies to America and influenced the election, it seems that the FBI has uncovered the truth, and has released it to the public.

However, they did not announce it to the world press, perhaps hoping that the media wouldn’t pick up on it. Oh, how wrong they were.

Here’s the juicy bit [of the Wikileaks report] with the FBI admitting that Hillary Clinton was aware that she was breaking the law and lied to the American public.


Why, then was she let go? It’s because the Democrats in charge made decisions behind closed doors not to indict the corrupt crony knows as Hillary Clinton.

Here’s Trey Gowdy facing the head of the FBI James Comey, who was caught in the crossfire and chose to side with Clinton.

If you think that Hillary Clinton deserves prison because of this, you’re not alone. Share this article to spread the truth. The media can’t sweep this under the rug.

(via: Yes I’m Right)

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