
‘Fight For $15’ To Hit Airports – Will Your Airline Costs Increase Next?

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The fight for a $15 minimum wage will strike America’s airports Tuesday, as low wage workers at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and 18 other airports plan to demonstrate.

O’Hare’s airplane cabin cleaners, baggage handlers, wheelchair attendants and janitors are not unionized, but the Service Employees International Union assisted low-wage employees in organizing a strike on behalf of the fight for fifteen.

The spokesman for the SEIU told the Wall Street Journal that the union has organized more than 20,000 airport workers employed by airline vendors (not the airlines or the city) at airports across the country. While a walkout was limited to O’Hare, it is unclear as to what plans workers have at other airports across the country.

States, which set the minimum wage, are trending towards increased minimum wages, with some states agreeing to phase in a $15 minimum wage in the coming years.

(via: Daily Caller)

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