
Trump Says He Has a Gift For Homeless Woman Who Protected His Walk Of Fame Star

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The Los Angeles police are looking for a homeless woman who was verbally abused and harassed on Thursday for protecting Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of fame.

A videotape taken Thursday and reported on by Breitbart News showed a woman sitting on the sidewalk with pro-Donald Trump signs being cursed at and according to the Los Angeles Times “apparently bumped to the ground.”

The signs criticized President Obama’s “selling out of African Americans” and protested illegal immigration while there were so many homeless people living on the streets. The video shows one heavy set man with tattoos ripping up the woman’s signs. 

The Times further reported that the LAPD would write up a misdemeanor battery report on behalf of the woman based on the video and information they obtained from her at another confrontation in Hollywood on Wednesday.

LAPD Officer Tony Im said, “We had a lot of people upset that we didn’t do anything.” He added, “If she’s a victim, she has a right to come forward.” Police took down her name and address and would visit her to further investigate the incident.

James Lambert Otis was arrested by the LAPD for alleged felony vandalism earlier in the week. He is being charged with using a pickax to demolish the Republican presidential nominee’s star.

Friday Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s attorney, messaged on his twitter account that he is looking for the woman and that Mr. Trump “has a gift for her.”

(via: Breitbart)

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