
MASSIVE Sports Star ENDORSES Donald Trump…He Just ENDED Hillary In The South!

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While the left continue to down play Donald Trump’s soaring success, he is traveling to every corner of American, garnering support.

He was recently in Greenville, North Carolina, speaking to a packed out stadium.

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton can’t get a decent crowd to listen to her cough into a microphone.

It’s a clear sign that one candidate is winning the support of Americans and the other is only still around because the media deems it so.

From The Gateway Pundit:

Republican Donald Trump is speaking to another MASSIVE crowd in Greenville, North Carolina tonight at 7 PM ET.


The word is that Richard Petty will endorse Donald Trump tonight!

Richard Petty is a long time favorite among race car fans. His support of Donald Trump is just another sign that millions of everyday Americans want real change for the country. And they believe Trump is the one to give it to them.

Watch the event here:

VIA Patriot Journal

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