
Trump’s Tax Returns LEAKED?! Sources Say He PAID $40M and DONATED $27M To CHARITY

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A leaked copy of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s 2013 federal tax return shows that the billionaire businessman payed over 40 million dollars in federal taxes on earnings of 278 million dollars in the 2013 calendar year. The leaked document stands in sharp contrast to a leaked return from the mid-nineties showing that Trump lost over 900 million and payed nothing in taxes, according to sources.

The leaked tax return, first reported by NBC Affiliate WNBC, was received in the same fashion as the prior leaked return, arriving in a manila envelope with a return address of Trump Towers in New York City. And just as the previous return was verified as authentic by a former accountant of Trump’s responsible for preparing his taxes, so too has the authenticity of this new 2013 document been verified, according to the unnamed source in possession of the documents.

As for charitable donations, Mr. Trump gave just under $27 million, roughly 10 percent of his total income. The vast majority of that went to charities supporting Conservative values including $9.5 million to the Cato Institute and some $8 million to the Wounded Warrior Project.

The Trump Campaign reportedly also verified that the document was authentic, but still decried the leak as being unauthorized by Trump himself, and a violation of his privacy. The Press reports that Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway repeated the claim that the leaks were unauthorized, and against the wishes of the candidate. “Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that his tax returns should not be released while he is being audited by the IRS”, Conway is reported as saying.

The Clinton campaign fired back, suggesting that the leak was timed to distract from a recently released audio recording of Trump in 2005 in which he makes alleged sexist remarks about women. The leaked tax document also undercuts a Clinton campaign claim that Trump had payed zero taxes since the mid nineties. The Trump campaign had previously called that accusation baseless, and these new tax documents back up that claim.

As the 2016 election intensifies and the polls tighten these new revelations about Trump’s financial and taxpaying status bear careful consideration when determining who is worthy of the presidency.

enVolve News was unable to verify the validity and source of the claimed leaks.

(via: EndingTheFed)

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